Thursday, August 12, 2010

Beautiful one I love.....

........Just one look on your face, just one glance of your eye, my whole world's changed. Oh i seek only to see your face. I don't want to go anywhere without you God, without your presence. Oh let me see your face, the beauty of your holiness God. Take me into the holy place. And only one word comes to mind, there's only one word to describe.....HOLY, HOLY, HOLY Lord God Almighty.....

Thursday, August 5, 2010

"For i know the plans.........

..........I have for you," declares the Lord "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future" That is the scripture that has been carrying me through the past few weeks. I have had some pressing times but also some really encouraging times, but through it all the Lord has confirmed his will for me and has promised to be by my side. The Journey has started!!! My heart is being melted by the love of God here in Swaziland and i'm experiencing so many different emotions. The Lord has committed to changing me and thats exactly what he's doing out here. Anyway let me share what's happening at Hawane farm.

It has been a stressful time for some of the older children here as they sit their exams. Some of them are really advanced while others seem to have fallen behind, mostly because they haven't had the opportunity to have a proper education until now. While the older children are feeling the pressure the younger ones are relaxing as they look forward to their holidays that start next week. This is good news for me as i will be able to spend more time with them.

Last weekend we had a soccer tournament at Hawane CLC. This was a great day for all who entered and also alot of fun for the children from the community. There was 10 pots of soup made and 140 loaves of bread. The children flocked as we gave it out and came back for seconds and thirds at the least. The winners of the tournament walked away with....wait for it....a GOAT!!! They were holding it up ever so proudly while they got their photograph taken, the goat was not amused! A funny and bizarre moment.

There are teams of servants coming in and out of hawane all of the time. We have a small team of Americans coming on friday and there is a large team coming from Ireland next week some time. Its always busy round the farm and our schedules always change. I'm spending alot more time at the pre school which i love. I'm trying to learn all their names but there are so many i'm struggling!! They make my day so much brighter!!!

I have a ladies conference at the weekend which i am really excited about. I hope to be touched by Gods refreshing power to strenghten me during this time and to help me to help others in need in Swaziland. I'll go now and will keep you posted on any latest news. Thank you all for your prayers and support xxxx