Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Teen Challenge Graduation

On the 27th November I attended the Graduation of the male and female residents from Teen Challenge and also the TCMI students. This is a day with much celebrating and as you can see from the pictures they really dressed up for this occasion! Teen Challenge Graduations have got to be the best! As all the Graduates got on the stage to sing for us I was reminded of the graduations in Wales. They are truly special! God reuniting and restoring families back to their original intent. Please pray for these graduates as they embark on this new life with the Lord. Life is just so much tougher out here and opportunities are scarce. They need our support in prayer regarding employment, finances and of course strength when trials come, that they may stand firm in Christ Jesus!

LTI Conference

It was a great privilege to attend this week long training course in the beginning of November. This was a time where all of the ministries within TC joined together, this included, Staff and Students of The Lighthouse Emafini (Male Centre), Staff and students of Elusitwini (Female Centre), Staff, volunteers and house parents from Hawane Farm (Children’s Homes) and also the students from TCMI. The aim of this conference was to train up leaders and equipping them to be effective within the ministry of Teen Challenge. The guest speakers were the lovely Bernie and Cathy Gillot (Global TC), Kevin Ward (Founder TC Swaziland) and Doug Wever (Global TC). It was such a pleasure to see Bernie and Cathy again after 8 years. They are Special!!
The whole week was insightful and refreshing! The Lord brought a lot of healing to a lot of hearts, including mine! God was certainly challenging and changing us. There were a range of topics in our training including ‘The heart of a leader’, ‘Shame’, ‘Faith’, ‘Leading in tough times’ and ‘Discipline for change’. Although the altar was usually packed at the beginning and end of each service I remember in particular the events on the last day. The Lords spirit was moving intensely and many people were bringing words from the Lord. It was so exciting! Then someone had a word from God calling those who hadn’t received the baptism of the Holy Spirit to come for prayer. Within 2 mins the altar was crammed full! I watched with so much excitement as people were being baptized and speaking in their new heavenly tongue. We were all moved deeply by Gods presence, it was so tangible!
At the end of the conference an awareness dinner was held. This was such a special night! Kevin shared on the background of Teen Challenge Swaziland, the progress that has been made over the years and also the needs that still require support. Most of the TC family then got up to sing for us which was so heartwarming. As I watched I was touched by how much of God’s grace was evident in that place. Gods love rescues!! As you can see from the pictures I was part of the team of waiters. This was a little funny considering my past experiences with waitressing would usually end with my P45 in the post. The good news is there were no hic ups! The evening went really well and everyone who attended left happy and blessed.